
This is my “formal” Mastodon introduction I promised. I did not think it would all fit in a single toot so I made it a blog post. I post through Micro.blog to my personal domain. I am a huge fan of what the Fediverse brings to the internet. It is what I have always wanted it to be.

I am a guy from Southwest, Indiana who is married with two kids. Our youngest is diagnosed with bilateral clubfoot. This year has been full of trips to West Palm Beach, Florida for appointments, surgeries and follow ups. Formal life day job was over a decade in cellular. Currently, I am a key customer service rep for a global consumer product company.

My post consist of sharing and commenting on politics, cars, tech and gaming. (Switch is my system of choice. The rest is all music. I went into jam bands in a non-traditional format. First and foremost an Umphrey’s McGee fan going back to 2006. Listen to my first show here. I was lucky enough to visit again for both nights of the Live at the Murat recording. This rolled on to Phish and The Grateful Dead. Currently, Eggy is my newest obsession. Obligations cut back on how many shows I attend anymore, but make every attempt I can get to all I can. That being said probably listen to every show via Nugs.net and LivePhish the day after.

Hi. Hello. How are you? Thanks for reading.