📺 See (2019) - ★★★☆☆

See poster

Seasons One and Two are very strong. Even grittier and more violent than Game of Thrones. Interesting to see how characters navigate without sight. Then Season Three is a quick wrap up with a very disappointing, predictable ending. The last three episodes really drag on to a snooze fest.

🍿 Men in Black: International (2019) - ★★★☆☆

Men in Black: International poster

I had low expectations to be honest. Though I think biggest crime was it was seven years too late. It had typical Hemsworth Thor comedy. Also felt true to the other three. I can say I watched it now.

Trying to find a movie not a 100% kids movie though not R rated when we hang out as a family is easier said than done. The gap between 5 and 17 is a huge balance.

🍿 Self Reliance (2024) - ★★★★☆

Self Reliance poster

Very funny movie. Love Jake’s character changing to embracing people again.

📺 Wellmania (2023) - ★★★☆☆

Wellmania poster

Sad there won’t be a season two. It did have very funny scenes in every episode.

📺 Pokémon Concierge (2023) - ★★★★☆

Pokémon Concierge poster

Such a cute felt style. I like it is about Pokémon relaxin versus always in battle.

I have found my new career path.

📺 Deadwood (2004) - ★★★★☆

Deadwood poster

It is almost criminal this show was not a few more seasons and wrapped up well. Already amazing it could have become much more. So many charming secondary characters that often steal the show from the mains.

Yes, there was the movie in 2019. Though it didn’t give us anything deeper than saying it is done.

Still four stars for a must watch series.

🍿 The Stranger (2022) - ★★★☆☆

The Stranger poster

Pretty good murder mystery. Interesting story telling with weaving timelines.

🍿 Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (2023) - ★★☆☆☆

Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken poster

The movie is like someone stole the sea creature part of Luca put together with the teenage discovery of Turning Red from Disney and none of the charm or humor.

Only +1 star because spending time with the little that seemed to enjoy it.

🍿 Uncle Buck (1989) - ★★★★★

Uncle Buck poster

I mean come on… it’s Uncle Buck. John Candy and Hughes classic! What’s not to love?

Bug…gnat…bug…gnat 🤔

🍿 Like Father (2018) - ★★☆☆☆

Like Father poster

It’s a cutesie movie. There are some funny moments of course. Though you know how exactly how it will go. Workaholic daughter meets absent father so both can learn a lesson on life.

The Last of Us Episode 3 Review



Three episodes. Three tragedies.

Though this episode it was bittersweet. It was redeeming to find out that even during an apocalypse that love and life still finds a way. It has been quiet awhile since a television show has impacted me this way.

I was so happy that Bill found Frank, even in the situation everyone found themselves in. I think it was a love he was looking for even before things fell apart. The Last of Us has started so strong in just three episodes I could see it going as one of the best television shows of all time.

In the famous quote from Dr Ian Malcom: ”Life finds a way.”

The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 2 Review



Spoilers Ahead

Episode two was exciting for me. It was the first glimpse outside the QZ to see what the new world looks like. Also to see what dangers lie ahead. My question from episode one was what occurred in the beginning? How did we get here? What did Joel do for the 20 year gap? (Which Ellie asked about but was shot down for a reply.)

The clickers are going to be a creepy enemy that goes above and beyond of whatever you think a zombie is. From the after episode special they added in the “network” ability to alert the others. I had mentioned to my wife about real life fungus ability to cover large areas underground.

Episode two continues the thread of no one is safe showing Tess’s death at the hands of the clicker hoard. I am ready to keep expanding into the universe and excited for Nick Offerman joining next week.

Tunic Review 🎮



Rating ⭐️⭐️

It honestly upsets me a bit to give this game a lower review. I wanted to like it way more then I actually did. The idea of a game where everything is a mystery forcing you to figure it out on your own, is something new. Doing in an instruction manual format is original on top of that. Though often I was left needing more direction. Some hint of where to go. Or truly why I am even doing what I am doing.

Spoiler below

I have made posts on Mastodon about this topic. The third act is frustrating. You have spent the entire game upgrading items, gaining powers, improving stats. Just to have them all taken away from you back to a beginning of the game state. THEN stuck in the hands down most difficult battle of the game. Getting through this section was a frustrating day of playing.

When I play games I like to do as much completion as I can. This game without a guide would be almost impossible. The fairies at the end are a hidden factor I was not aware could be done until I stumbled on it reading. It is the only way to get the “good ending” of the game also.

Want to see a insane obscure hidden element of the late game? Read here. Spoiler warning

Parenthood Review

Parenthood TV Series 2010-2015 IMDB ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Can be corny at times, but over all really good. I enjoyed the characters. Fun thing to do is guess based on their previous actions how they will handle the next situation. (Wife and I call our game “Because we write theses things…”) Often referred to as This is Us light it has a lighter drama more comedy writing. By the end I felt like a Braverman